PIC Conference Information



Is this your first time attending the Preclinical Imaging Consortium (PIC) Conference? This is a brief description of the format. Please keep an eye on the online program as we try to keep it up to date.

Conference location

The conference will held be on the Michigan State University campus.

Registration and sponsors

Registration is free for attendees from non-profit organizations, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors. Registration materials will be available from 14:00 on Wednesday, May 10 in the lobby outside the Auditorium at FRIB.

Gala Dinner and Reception

The gala dinner will be held at Jolly Pumpkin Brewery, 218 Albert St, East Lansing, MI. Bus transportation to and from the venue will be provided.

Vendor “Booths”

Posters and vendor “booths” are in rooms next to the conference and the site of Thursday’s evening reception. Unlike large conferences like WMIC, ISMRM, and RSNA, the vendors do not have enough space for demo equipment. This conference is designed to be smaller and more intimate. All attendees, including vendors, participate in the talks. Academic attendees are encouraged to talk to the vendors during the breaks. Therefore, the vendors should be near their tables during breaks (though this is not required).

Poster Sessions

There are three types of posters: Industry, Research, and Facility.

Industry posters can be strictly marketing or follow a more traditional conference scientific communication approach. The research posters are intended to communicate a research project that has a significant imaging component that was conducted in an imaging center. This year the Industry and Research poster session are combined during lunchtime on Thursday, and during this session, all presenters except those with facility posters should attend their posters.

The facility posters are intended to communicate what equipment and services are available in each imaging facility. The facility poster session will be held Thursday evening, and facility poster presenters should attend their posters for at least part of the evening. You will be able to vote for your favorite Research and Facility posters.

Facility Tours

Each host of PIC has the opportunity to showcase their facilities. This year, you will have the option to tour the Advanced Molecular Imaging Facility, located at the Institute for Quantitative Health Sciences and Engineering.

Exit Meeting (invitation only)

The exit meeting is intended to facilitate the transfer of information from the current host to the next host, and to initiate planning for the next year’s meeting. If you are interested in hosting PIC in the future, contact Erik Shapiro for information about the Program Committee exit meeting.


Registration  (Wednesday) – Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, 1st floor 

Breakfast and Refreshments (Thursday, Friday) –  Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center

Presentations (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) – Wednesday @ Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Thursday & Friday @ Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center

Vendor posters (Thursday, Friday) – Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center

Gala Dinner location (Wednesday at 6:00 PM) – TBA

Science & Industry Poster Session (Thursday at 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM) – Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center

Facility Poster Session & Reception (Thursday at 6:00 PM) –  MSU’s Institute for Quantitative Health Science & Engineering

Lunch (Thursday, Friday) – Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center

Program Committee Exit Meeting  – TBA

Facility Tours – TBA

Presenter Information

Speakers: Please check the program for the time of your talk. A PC will be available along with a widescreen projector. For Mac users, an HDMI cable with various adapters is available. PowerPoint slides are encouraged. Please give your PowerPoint slides to the AV staff during registration material pick up. It is recommended that you also bring any videos as separate files. All presentations are 25 minutes + 5 minutes discussion.


PIC attendees may present two types of posters: Facility posters and scientific posters. Facility posters are intended to describe the equipment available and the type of research conducted in your preclinical imaging center. Scientific posters are intended to highlight a specific preclinical imaging project.

Poster dimensions TBA

Vendor Presentations:

Sponsors will be assigned a table (all), and space for one or more large posters (Gold and Platinum).

Vendors may participate in the Industrial Innovations session (Thursday morning, 10:30 AM- 12PM), where they will present a 5-minute overview of their products or announce new equipment. The goal of the power pitch is to make attendees aware of which vendors they may be interested in speaking with in more depth during the conference. Time limits will be strictly enforced! Slides can be used, but they must be provided to the host before May 10.