IQ Research Day Information

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Poster Submission
All title submissions must be in no later than Monday, February 13th. Please use this submission form to submit your poster title. Get ready to add some excitement to IQ Research Day with our engaging word game! We ask that you contribute a relevant question and a one-worded answer that ties in with your poster. Let’s make this event a fun, exciting, and educational experience for everyone!

Poster Size & Printing Information
Posters should be 32″ x 40″ (81 cm x 102 cm) in size and may be oriented either vertically or horizontally. Students may choose their own layout and content design, within the specified size constraints.

Labs are responsible for printing their own posters. Please see a list of resources below to have your poster printed. An account number is required; please consult with your PI or lab manager for further information.

  1. MSU Radiology Graphics and Printing
  2. DECS Poster Print Service
  3.  BMB Poster Printing
  4. MSU Main Library Print Center

Poster Set Up, Presentation, Takedown
Poster assignments, including a unique number and location, will be communicated to participants via email prior to the event. All necessary materials, such as poster easels, foam-core board, binder clips, and hanging supplies, will be provided at your assigned poster location.

Posters must be set up before 11:00 AM on Monday, April 17th. The poster easels will be set up on the afternoon of the Friday prior.

We have divided the poster presentation session into two equal parts to ensure an inclusive experience for all participants. Presenters assigned with even-numbered posters are asked to be present at their assigned poster location from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, while presenters with odd-numbered posters should be available from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

Posters can be taken down after 5:00 PM on Monday, April 17th. Any remaining posters will be taken to the Business Office (IQ Room 4000), and you may pick them up from there.