march, 2019
20mar11:00 am12:00 pmRemodeling in the Urinary Bladder Wall in Type 2 DiabetesGraduate Seminar
Event Details
Diabetic cystopathy is a term used to describe the effect that
Event Details

Assistant Professor, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University
Diabetic cystopathy is a term used to describe the effect that the loss of neurological connection with the brain has on the urinary bladder in diabetic patients. Specifically, the decreased neurological connection results in a diminished ability of a diabetic patient’s urinary bladder to communicate a sense of “fullness”. This loss of sensation leads to an increase in urine volume stored in the bladder, which can trigger microstructural remodeling of the wall. As a result, the bladder wall of patients affected by this condition show increased compliance and thinned walls. This macroscopic mechanical remodeling is paired with a microstructural remodeling of the extracellular matrix within the wall.
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(Wednesday) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
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