february, 2021
01feb1:00 pm5:00 pmMSU Virtual Biomedical Imaging Symposium

Event Details
As we come closer to almost a year of limiting in-person activity and working virtually whenever possible, we have come to realize that one of the aspects of academic
Event Details
As we come closer to almost a year of limiting in-person activity and working virtually whenever possible, we have come to realize that one of the aspects of academic life we have been missing the most during this pandemic has been the personal interactions and discussions around our respective fields of research here on campus. Though many of us have continued innovating new ways to keep moving forward and producing data, we’ve had nary an opportunity to share our findings outside of our individual lab meetings.
So to jump start those wonderful, fruitful discussions once again, and to bring back to our lives that spirit of Socratic discussion, we will convene an MSU Virtual Biomedical Imaging Symposium on February 1, 2021 at 1 PM.
This symposium is meant to be rather informal and low-stress — much like any in-person conversation around research of days past. Participants will present 1-2 slides describing some aspect of their imaging work from the past year, with each presentation taking about 2 minutes each. These will not necessarily be completed studies or works – remember, the aim is to start discussions on imaging ideas and new theoretical concepts. We will also devote 1-2 minutes for moderated questions, and then we will move on to the next presentation.
Please join us this coming Monday, February 1st at 1 PM via Zoom. Please refer to the program for a schedule of presenters.
Join the event
Meeting ID: 991 4039 8329
Password: IMAGING
(Monday) 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm