february, 2019

27feb11:00 am12:00 pmMassively Parallel Processing To Understand Biological Heterogeneity at Single Cell ResolutionGraduate Seminar

Event Details

Senior Scientist for R&D, 10x Genomics

Dr. Preyas Shah is a Senior Scientist working on computational algorithms and statistical learning for
R&D at 10x Genomics. He received his MS and PhD at Stanford University in Mechanical Engineering,
and his Bachelors at Indian Institute of Technology- Bombay. Dr. Shah completed his thesis under Eric
Shaqfeh’s guidance on the modeling of diffusive nanoparticle transport to porous vasculature. At 10x, he
has applied his mathematical expertise to lead the creation of the computational pipelines for the
singlecell ATACseq solution, a powerful method to analyze large scale epigenetic data at single cell
resolution. Prior to working on singlecell ATACseq, Dr. Shah also designed algorithms for the de-novo
genome assembly solution “Supernova”, which is used for reconstruction of genomic sequences from
linked short sequencing reads. Dr. Shah enjoys working and collaborating in interdisciplinary areas, and
has published articles in fluid mechanics, biophysics, genomics and robotics. He is currently working on
hypothesis testing in large scale genomic data and integrating singlecell datasets. Outside of work, he
spends time swimming and playing Ultimate frisbee near his home in San Jose. You can reach him at
shah.preyas@gmail.com or on Twitter at @preyasshah.

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://msu.zoom.us/j/740946330
Or join by phone: +1 646 876 9923 / Meeting ID: 740 946 330


(Wednesday) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


IQ Atrium

775 Woodlot Dr

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