august, 2019
12aug6:15 pm6:15 pmDevelopmental Nano and Meta Communication

Event Details
Seppo Vainio
Event Details

Seppo Juhani Vainio, PhD Professor, Developmental Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Oulu University, Finland
Seppo Vainio is a professor of developmental biology at the University of Oulu, Finland. He also serves as a director of Borealis Biobank of Northern Finland that contributes to Finngen, a major Finnish genome project, providing GWAS and clinical data of 500,000 Finns (10% population). He is a team leader in Biocenter Oulu and InfoTech Oulu organizations. Vainio received his PhD in embryology in Helsinki University, and completed his postdoctoral training at Harvard University Since then he has worked as a professor at Oulu University. The goal of Dr. Vainio’s lab has been primarily to identify the genes, signals and molecular pathways associated with kidney nephron induction, altered kidney and urogenital system development. At present he integrates human kidney diseases in Biocenter Oulu projects and develops programmed organoid studies. In the InfoTech Oulu the focus area is novel biosensor strategies. As for some methodological approaches the questions are studied via OMICS platforms, in vivo and ex vivo gene editing, gene knock out, ex vivo organ and organoid culture approaches and time lapse imaging. He is particularly interested today in the cellular and organ level Nano communication roles in organogenesis and in disease. Based on their developmental biology work its relevance to evolution and disease he has formulated a meta theory that integrates the epigenetic and the genetic aspects to a collective and testable frame work for evolution and disease. Vainio is the author of over 160 scientific publications, and is a member of Center of Excellence of Cell Matrix research in Oulu University and university science council. He serves on the editorial board of Scientific Reports and belongs to professional organizations including the Finnish Society Developmental Biology.
Join via Zoom: | Call in: +1 646 876 9923 | Meeting ID: 740 946 330
(Monday) 6:15 pm - 6:15 pm
IQ Atrium
775 Woodlot Dr