Gustavo de los Campos

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IQ DIVISION – Systems Biology



Gustavo de los Campos is an MSU professor affiliated with the Institute for Quantitative Health Science & Engineering (IQ), division of Systems Biology, the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, and Statistics & Probability. He leads the QuantGen group with A.I Vazquez, a team of scientists developing statistical methods and software for analyzing and predicting complex traits and diseases. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

QuantGen Group

Dr. de los Campos and fellow PI Ana Vazquez lead the QuantGen group. The team’s research involves methods and software development as well as applied research on genetic analyses of complex traits in human health, plant and animal breeding.

Genomic Analysis and Prediction of Complex Traits

Development and evaluation of methods and software for analysis and prediction of complex traits using Big Data from biobanks and GWAS cohorts. (e.g., Kim et al, 2017)

Integration of Data from Multiple Omics Layers

Models and software for integrating high-dimensional multi-layer omics data for analysis and prediction of disease outcomes. (e.g., survival of breast cancer patients) (e.g., Vazquez et al., 2015; Gonzalez-Reymundez et al, 2017)

Software development for analysis of big omics data

We have developed several R packages for genetic analysis using pedigrees, genomes and other omics. (BGLR, BGData, pedigreemm, MTM)

Genomic Analysis of Obesity and Response to Exercise

We maintain an active collaboration with researchers from the TIGER (Training Interventions and Genetics of Exercise Response) study, developing and implementing methods for the identification of genetic factors influencing Body Composition and Response to Exercise Intervention.

Genetic x Environment

Development of methods for integrating high-dimensional genomic and environmental data (e.g. Jarquin et al., 2014).