Current Opportunities

Assistant Professor-Tenure System

The Institute for Quantitative Health Science & Engineering (IQ) and the College of Natural Sciences (CNS) at Michigan State University are accepting applications for a tenure-track faculty position broadly in the biomedical sciences (including structural biology, synthetic biology, developmental biology, stem cell biology, systems biology, cancer biology, neuroengineering, chemical biology, imaging, big data, statistics, machine learning, and computational methods applied to biology, regenerative medicine, and bioengineering). The successful candidate will be affiliated with one or more departments such as Microbiology Genetics and Immunology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Physiology, Chemistry, Computational Mathematics Science and Engineering, or Statistics & Probability, based on their interests, expertise, and achievements.

 Research Associate-Fixed Term

IQ is recruiting motivated Research Associates (postdoctoral researchers) to advance these fields and is inviting applications from outstanding candidates for up to 15 positions in the several areas of biomedical research including; biomedical devices, biomedical imaging, chemical biology, developmental and stem cell biology, neuroengineering, structural biology, synthetic biology, systems biology, motion analytics and precision health.