Brett Etchebarne
Office: 517-884-3826
Lab: 517-353-7070
View publications on MSU Scholars
IQ DIVISION – Biomedical Devices
Etchebarne Lab
Emergency medicine depends on rapid diagnosis and critical intervention to stop deadly disease processes. The Etchebarne laboratory focuses on rapid identification of deadly pathogens with appropriate antimicrobial treatments to fight sepsis, a condition that kills many and often leaves survivors with persistent debilitating medical problems.
We focus on point-of-care diagnostics in the emergency department setting aiming to allow real-time medical decision making in fighting infection. To do this we use advanced DNA and RNA amplification techniques to identify diverse microbial targets and their antibiotic gene resistant elements from infected patients.
Emergency Medicine is a rapidly evolving and exciting field. Our clinical research on sepsis and point-of-care microbial pathogen identification, along with antibiotic resistance gene identification, promote a new paradigm of infection detection and treatment at the point-of-care. This research is designed for translation across many medical and research disciplines to directly impact patient care outcomes and address clear and present challenges with sepsis, antimicrobial stewardship, infection control and pathogen surveillance.

Implications of direct amplification for measuring antimicrobial resistance using point-of-care devices.