Bige Unluturk

Headshot of Bige Unluturk on a grey backgroundContact
Office: 517-353-3854
IQ DIVISION – Biomedical Devices



Bige Deniz Unluturk is an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering as well as the Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering. Before joining MSU faculty, she was a postdoctoral research associate in Dr. Chris Contag’s Lab at IQ.  She received her Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2020 under the guidance of Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz. In 2013, she received her M.Sc. degree from Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, under the supervision of Dr. Ozgur Baris Akan, and her B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from METU, Ankara, Turkey.

From September 2014 until November 2014, she worked at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland as a visiting researcher, focusing on the impacts of social behavior on bacterial chemotaxis channels for molecular communication. From May 2016 to July 2016, she worked at the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway as a visiting researcher on the gateways among bio-nanothings networks.

The Unluturk Lab

The Unluturk Lab‘s research is based on developing biologically-inspired approaches for communication systems and reciprocally, using these approaches to better understand communications in biological systems for next-generation of connected healthcare. Our lab focuses on wireless communications and networking, specifically biological, multiscale, and molecular communications (MC). The emerging field of MC stems from a bio-inspired wireless communication paradigm for interfacing with biological systems, where information transfer occurs by the exchange of molecules. The aim is to identify natural molecular communication systems, derive models describing them from the perspective of  communication theory and mimic these systems for next-generation environmental, industrial applications, and particularly biomedical applications.